Local Solutions for a Global Economy


Ela Bhatt, Founder of the Self-Employed Women’s Association, a key GFI partner, is the subject of the NYTimes Saturday Profile
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Access this URL (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/07/world/asia/07bhatt.html)http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/07/world/asia/07bhatt.html 0 kB
Former President of Costa Rica to Chair GFI Board
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GFI joins the Government of Guatemala and the Fundaci&on Mario Lopez Larrave in Tripartite Agreement to address informal sector labor rights.
GFI President speaks to Bryant University Students about GFI, the global financial and energy crisis, and reducing poverty
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Access this URL (http://media.bryant.edu/Mediasite/Catalog/)http://media.bryant.edu/Mediasite/Catalog/ 0.1 kB
Global Fairness Initiative launches effort to promote labor rights in Guatemala, El Salvador
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Download this file (ElSalvadorPR.pdf)ElSalvadorPR.pdf 0.4 kB