Local Solutions for a Global Economy


GFI is honored to have the support and leadership of BBDC as we train, mentor, and empower young leaders in Washington, DC. The partnership with BBDC will ensure that Dr. Shirley Sapin's mission to promote social activism and civil rights will continue by inspiring future generations to participate in issues and programs at the heart of achieving economic access for the working poor. The special fund will grant local Washington D.C. university students the opportunity to be apart of the Sapin Fellowship.
Ela Bhatt
Ela Bhatt, Founder of the Self Employed Women's Association, was honored this Sunday at Georgetown University with a Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa presented by the Walsh School of Foreign Service. The conferment of the the Honorary Degree wrapped up a week of remarkable recognition, which included the presentation of the prestigious Roosevelt Medal in The Netherlands by Queen Beatrix. On Friday afternoon Elaben set aside time to host a luncheon with GFI to discuss the need for better representation of the poor, and particularly women, in international trade, finance and labor policy-making.
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GFI Honors Albina Ruiz

The 2nd Annual Fairness Award was presented to Ms. Albina Ruiz of Peru by GFI Board Chair President Jose Maria Figueres at an inspiring event at the historic Lincoln Theatre this evening. Ms. Ruiz has led a global effort to bring economic opportunity and personal dignity to the 15 million waste pickers throughout Latin America and the world.

Learn more about Albina

GFI Board Member Reema Nanavaty Featured at CGI

GFI Board Member Reema Nanavaty of SEWA shared the stage with former President Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the 2011 Clinton Global Initiative to recommit her leadership around the goal of introducing millions of clean cookstoves to rural families in India.

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Pablo Muñoz

At this year's Board of Directors meeting in New York City the Global Fairness Initiative proudly welcomed a distinguished new member to the Board, Mr. Pablo Muñoz, Group President, Tupperware Brands Corp.

Learn more about Pablo

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